Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.Please contact us by email, post or telephone.
We also organise visits to the farm which is near Cáceres, a UNESCO world heritage site since 1986, and cultural visits to the whole province, by calling the number shown.
Extremadura has an extensive and diverse historical and artistic heritage, from prehistoric archaeological sites to the impressive presence of Roman culture and vestiges of Visigoths, Arabs and Jews. Mérida, founded in 25 A.D. and included on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1993, preserves significant Roman remains. Other cities like Cáceres and Trujillo, are noteworthy for their monuments and architecture, due in part to the riches invested by the conquerors of America starting in the 15th century.
Dehesa de Cantillana
C/ Infanta Mercedes 96, 5º. K
28020 Madrid, Spain
Tel:+34 644 69 44 70
Fax: +49 3212-1140600
Finca Cantillana
Ctra. N-521 km. 89,400
Herreruela (Cáceres), Spain
Tel: 927 19 11 01
Links Facebook Dehesa de Cantillana
Baronesa de Ulm
Convento San Francisco